Super Tuesday 2008

Super Tuesday, 2008, reoccurs in political debates because it’s the largest simultaneous number of state U.S. presidential primary elections in the history of U.S. primaries. Twenty-four states, and American Samoa, held caucuses or primary elections for one or both parties that year on February 5th.   Patricia Nazario chatted with first-time Read more…

L.A. Surf Bus

Elementary and middle-school kids from some of Los Angeles’ toughest neighborhoods are learning how to ‘hang 10,’ as well as other lessons: self-confidence, self-control and determination.  These children, from low-income families, are riding the wave of the L.A. Surf Bus.  Patricia Nazario reports that the eight-week program, which provides gear, Read more…

VIP Records

Hip hop and the Long Beach music store that brought the artform to the west coast are going down in history. In May, Long Beach officials promised to invest $80,000 towards removing, restoring and registering the “World Famous V.I.P. Records” sign as an official landmark.  Patricia Nazario says It’s a huge Read more…

Immigration Backlash

Organizers are expecting thousands of marchers tomorrow in Los Angeles and other cities. The demonstrations signal the next phase of activism that seeks major changes in American immigration policy. In the months since illegal immigrants and their supporters participated in mass rallies, Patricia Nazario explores how a backlash, against their Read more…

Bogotá Raps

NPR’s Morning Edition:   Colombia’s first and most famous rap group is La Etnnia. Their record label is called 5-27 after the address where they lived in the Las Cruces section of Bogotá when they started rapping in 1994. The genre continues catching on, like wildfire, with young Colombians. From Read more…