Los Angeles Police Captain Michelle Veenstra arrived at Northridge Medical Center shortly after her husband, LAPD SWAT officer James Veenstra, was admitted for emergency surgery to his face and jaw. His partner, SWAT officer Randal Simmons, was shot in the neck during a violet 11-hour standoff, and died at Northridge Hospital and Medical Center before sunrise.

Patricia Nazario is live outside the Northridge Hospital Medical Center at 8:25 a.m.:


Randal Simmons, 51, is the first SWAT officer killed in the line of duty in the history of the elite Special Weapons and Tactics team since it began in 1967. Photo: LAPD/Twitter Feb. 7, 2008.


LAPD SWAT Officer James Veenstra, 51, was shot in the face and jaw by 20-year-old Edwin Rivera at Rivera’s Winnetka home. Photo: LAPD

Simmons’ widow, Lisa Simmons wrote about her husband in the book, 41D Man of Valor: The Story of SWAT Officer Randy Simmons. Major firearm companies Rugers and Smith & Wesson are financing the film about Simmons’ life Man of Valor: The Life, Death and Legacy of LAPD SWAT officer, Randy Simmons.

Breaking-News Coverage:
First live shot from Hospital
Second live shot from Hospital
Fourth live shot from Hospital
Fifth live shot from Hospital